Thursday, June 16, 2011

With a Fine Tooth Comb

Josh and I are rapidly approaching our 3rd wedding anniversary and we are hoping that we will finally be able to get out of town.. we have not even been on an overnight getaway for 2 years. Something that I have come to realize over the past week is that I am an excellent researcher when it comes to trying to save money and find the best deal I can... it just takes time, and that can add up very quickly. It can be fun and it can be stressful. Just like something else. What is that thing called again?.... Oh yeah! LIFE lol :D

By the way if you know of a great deal on a trip, getaway, or vacation - Let me know! ;) I'd appreciate it.


Thursday, March 10, 2011

Something in the Water

Lately – ok, so for the past year – it seems like everyone who is married (or should be) and is of child bearing age is having a baby.

For almost TWO years, just about every month I thought that there would be positive signs or results indicating that we were. Every month I would find our otherwise. It first it was such a relief but then after a year of it started to become a frustration, because I looked prego and not just a little. So the only other logical explanation is that I was F-A-T, FAT. I felt it, looked it and was extremely hurt and mad because I had no baby to show for it, knew some of the comments and remarks that were being made and I had not gone on an eating binge. In-fact I had cut out sugar, sodas, and tried various other things.

I was exercising - I had tried walking, aerobics and then I was even riding my bike 6  miles four times a week. So honestly, I should have lost weight not gained it. The last time I thought I was pregnant, I honestly and truly was so very happy about it. Various things that had scared me out of my mind I had dealt with, had for the most part made peace with, and so on. So with the one exception of Josh not being out of school, I felt ready.  So when I learned I wasn’t I was extremely and utterly disappointed. Remembering, it still brings tears to my eyes.

Now don’t misunderstand me. I love where we are in our lives. It’s great being just Mr. G and I. We are able to do things that we wouldn’t if we did have kids, not to mention the financial responsibility. In addition to that we have been waiting for Mr. G to finish school before we started trying to grow our family. Hopefully he will be finished by the end of the summer. 

I said ALL of this first of all because I needed a place I could say a few of my thoughts and secondly, I because It seems that at least every other week some else is I know is pregnant- There’s got to be something in the water! …Just to be safe you might want to get yours from a private well for the time being. 


Sunday, March 6, 2011


Have you ever had a time in your life when you wanted to say something but every time you tried it came out wrong or something totally off subject?

Well that is where I have been the past few weeks. Every time I sit down to write, my screen might as well be a brick wall for all the words that don't want to translate. OR the rare few times when I thought I had it figured out what it was I wanted to convey- There was something that I need to do or was in the middle of. So instead of a well executed, eloquently written entry on one subject that I so wanted to write - you will get a 3 for 1! Yes folks, that's right 3 subject for 1 blog entry that has been almost three weeks in the writing. Ahh yes, I have the jumbles.

First up is a hope, vision and prayer request (see, another 3-4-1, aren’t you lucky!). Over the past month or two I have started to fell led to start having ladies over during the week. Wither it be for tea/coffee, Bible study, or even occasionally me going over to help them at their house (i.e. help clean, watch their kids, cook) whatever it is that would be a blessing to them.

A few Sunday’s ago at the end of "Life Group" (aka Sunday school), our leader talked about how we need to step up and do various things. One of those is someone (or several people) to coordinate and plan get togethers, fellowships, hospitality and bereavement for those within and close to our group. The door opened, I am walking through it and need your prayers to know what I am supposed to do and how I am supposed to go about it with inviting ladies over to the house and with the Life Group. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated! :)

Now for a bit of fun and quirkiness. ;) For a good while I have felt really bad about Mr. G - the man I love, who loves me, works full time AND goes to school full time- not having a lunch to take with him to work. Now I need you to understand, I am not a morning person. If I have to get up before 5- I would prefer to stay up as to have to get up. Ha ha ha ha ha. Seriously. So when I say that I struggle with getting a lunch prepared for him in the mornings, it is no exaggeration. So when I started thinking about what I should do for Valentines/Our 5th Anniversary of being together, one of the things I thought about were the few and far between lunches he had been getting.
Then my mind flittered to multiple other trains of thought, one of them being how much I would love to travel to Europe and Japan. Ahh Japan - They have great food. I just love Asian food! The girls/women in the anime shows I like always make such wonderful and cute lunches for the people they love and care for. *Starting to get down on myself for not being more self-motivated and dedicated* Gee, they get up SO Early!!! Hours before everyone else.... but I do need to make Mr. G lunches; Japanese food is so good, humm, what if I researched it a bit and see what I find out about the cute and tasty looking meals they have in boxes. So research I did. ... For an entire day.

My goal when I first got him a bento box was to make a lunch for him EVERY day he went to work. Unfortunately I can not report to you that I have thus far succeeded. However I have been making him a lot more lunches and dinners since. Sending an average of 3 a week with him.
Here is a picture of one of the lunches that I prepared for Mr.G and  me:

Well this is where I will end it tonight. Have a great week! : D